How and were to generate a passport Machine Readable Passport MRZ code:
MRZ Generator – Calculator
How and were to generate a Driver’s License number from your information:
Driving license Generator – Calculator
How and were to generate a Driver’s License Barcode PDF417 from your information:
Driving license Barcode pdf 417 Generator – Calculator
Buy your photoshop passport template from here: Passport Template
Buy your photoshop driver’s license template: Driver’s License Template
Driver’s license number:
A number of states encode your name, gender, and date of birth in your license number.
Soundex is a hashing system for english words. You might want to look at further information on how soundex works.
The example soundex is F255, so the example name starts with F, so the name starts with an F, followed by a gutteral or sibilant, followed by a nasal, followed by another nasal. This is correct, as the example person’s last name is “Fakename”
For my license generator, I simply implement this. For my license reverser, I simply take likely guesses. I also generated the Soundex code for the top 10,000 (ish) last names in the US, and I suggest the top 10 for any given code.
Look up your first name on this table:
Name | Code | Name | Code | Name | Code |
Albert | 20 | Frank | 260 | Marvin | 580 |
Alice | 20 | George | 300 | Mary | 580 |
Ann | 40 | Grace | 300 | Melvin | 600 |
Anna | 40 | Harold | 340 | Mildred | 600 |
Anne | 40 | Harriet | 340 | Patricia | 680 |
Annie | 40 | Harry | 360 | Paul | 680 |
Arthur | 40 | Hazel | 360 | Richard | 740 |
Bernard | 80 | Helen | 380 | Robert | 760 |
Bette | 80 | Henry | 380 | Ruby | 740 |
Bettie | 80 | James | 440 | Ruth | 760 |
Betty | 80 | Jane | 440 | Thelma | 820 |
Carl | 120 | Jayne | 440 | Thomas | 820 |
Catherine | 120 | Jean | 460 | Walter | 900 |
Charles | 140 | Joan | 480 | Wanda | 900 |
Dorthy | 180 | John | 460 | William | 920 |
Edward | 220 | Joseph | 480 | Wilma | 920 |
Elizabeth | 220 | Margaret | 560 | ||
Florence | 260 | Martin | 560 | ||
Donald | 180 | ||||
Clara | 140 |
If you fail to find your name, look up your first initial on this table:
Initial | Code | Initial | Code | Initial | Code | Initial | Code |
A | 0 | H | 320 | O | 640 | V | 860 |
B | 60 | I | 400 | P | 660 | W | 880 |
C | 100 | J | 420 | Q | 700 | X | 940 |
D | 160 | K | 500 | R | 720 | Y | 960 |
E | 200 | L | 520 | S | 780 | Z | 980 |
F | 240 | M | 540 | T | 800 | ||
G | 280 | N | 620 | U | 840 |
Now look up your middle initial on this table:
Initial | Code | Initial | Code | Initial | Code | Initial | Code |
A | 1 | H | 8 | O | 14 | V | 18 |
B | 2 | I | 9 | P | 15 | W | 19 |
C | 3 | J | 10 | Q | 15 | X | 19 |
D | 4 | K | 11 | R | 16 | Y | 19 |
E | 5 | L | 12 | S | 17 | Z | 19 |
F | 6 | M | 13 | T | 18 | ||
G | 7 | N | 14 | U | 18 |
Now, if add together the code for either your first name (if possible) or your first initial to the code for your middle inital.
So, the example FFF code is 921. Looking it up, it’s William or Wilma A. If it had been 001, we would simply know at the their initials are A. A. Since the example was generated for “William Andrew Fakename” this is correct.
This portion encodes the month and day you were born on. The general equation is:
General: (birth_month – 1) * month_multiplier + birth_day + gender_mod
Florida: (birth_month – 1) * 40 + birth_day + (male:0, female: 500)
Illinois: (birth_month – 1) * 31 + birth_day + (male:0, female: 600)
Wisconsin: (birth_month – 1) * 40 + birth_day + (male:0, female: 500)
birth_month is the number of months into the year, January is 1, December is 12.
month_multiplier varies by state. Illinois uses 31. Wisconsin and Florida both use 40.
gender_mod varies by state. In Illinois men use 0, women use 600. In Wisconsin and Florida men use 0, women use 500.
If the result is less than 100, add zeroes to the left side to make it 3 digits. (So, January 1st is encoded as “001” for men in Illinois.)
Now about the passport. What is the MRZ code?
The International Civil Aviation Organization, a Quebec based group, developed standards for Machine Readable Travel Documents (MRTDs), including passports and visas. These MRTD make it easy for automated systems to scan a travel document. If a country decides to check all visitors against a known criminals data reading the information automatically with a computer will be much faster and less prone to error than if the immagration agent needs to type the information in by hand.
On a MR Passport there are two lines. Each line is 44 characters long. There are no blank spaces; where one is necessary is it filled with the filler character, a less than sign (<).
All fields are padded with less than signs (<) to fill the required width. There should be no whitespace in the MRZ. Only letters A through Z, digits 0 through 9, and the filler character < are allowed. Some extended letters are mapped to other sets of characters per the following table. The alternate encoding is used when the normal encoding might caused confusion between different names.
The first letter is “P”, designating a passport.
The second character can be assigned by the issuing country to distinguish different types of passports. If unused a < is assigned.
The United States, at least in the cases I’ve seen, doesn’t use this field.
In the example above there is a <, apparently the fictional country of Utopia doesn’t specify specific types, or Anna doesn’t need one.
The issuing country or organization, encoded in three characters. The code is pulled from this table.
Country | Code |
Afghanistan | AFG |
Albania | ALB |
Algeria | DZA |
American Samoa | ASM |
Andorra | AND |
Angola | AGO |
Anguilla | AIA |
Antarctica | ATA |
Antigua and Barbuda | ATG |
Argentina | ARG |
Armenia | ARM |
Aruba | ABW |
Australia | AUS |
Austria | AUT |
Azerbaijan | AZE |
Bahamas | BHS |
Bahrain | BHR |
Bangladesh | BGD |
Barbados | BRB |
Belarus | BLR |
Belgium | BEL |
Belize | BLZ |
Benin | BEN |
Bermuda | BMU |
Bhutan | BTN |
Bolivia | BOL |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BIH |
Botswana | BWA |
Bouvet Island | BVT |
Brazil | BRA |
British Indian Ocean Territory | IOT |
Brunei Darussalam | BRN |
Bulgaria | BGR |
Burkina Faso | BFA |
Burundi | BDI |
Cambodia | KHM |
Cameroon | CMR |
Canada | CAN |
Cape Verde | CPV |
Cayman Islands | CYM |
Central African Republic | CAF |
Chad | TCD |
Chile | CHL |
China | CHN |
Christmas Island | CXR |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | CCK |
Colombia | COL |
Comoros | COM |
Congo | COG |
Cook Islands | COK |
Costa Rica | CRI |
Côte d’Ivoire | CIV |
Croatia | HRV |
Cuba | CUB |
Cyprus | CYP |
Czech Republic | CZE |
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea | PRK |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | COD |
Denmark | DNK |
Djibouti | DJI |
Dominica | DMA |
Dominican Republic | DOM |
East Timor | TMP |
Ecuador | ECU |
Egypt | EGY |
El Salvador | SLV |
Equatorial Guinea | GNQ |
Eritrea | ERI |
Estonia | EST |
Ethiopia | ETH |
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | FLK |
Faeroe Islands | FRO |
Fiji | FJI |
Finland | FIN |
France | FRA |
France, Metropolitan | FXX |
French Guiana | GUF |
French Polynesia | PYF |
Gabon | GAB |
Gambia | GMB |
Georgia | GEO |
Germany | D |
Ghana | GHA |
Gibraltar | GIB |
Greece | GRC |
Greenland | GRL |
Grenada | GRD |
Guadeloupe | GLP |
Guam | GUM |
Guatemala | GTM |
Guinea | GIN |
Guinea-Bissau | GNB |
Guyana | GUY |
Haiti | HTI |
Heard and McDonald Islands | HMD |
Holy See (Vatican City State) | VAT |
Honduras | HND |
Hong Kong | HKG |
Hungary | HUN |
Iceland | ISL |
India | IND |
Indonesia | IDN |
Iran, Islamic Republic of | IRN |
Iraq | IRQ |
Ireland | IRL |
Israel | ISR |
Italy | ITA |
Jamaica | JAM |
Japan | JPN |
Jordan | JOR |
Kazakhstan | KAZ |
Kenya | KEN |
Kiribati | KIR |
Kuwait | KWT |
Kyrgyzstan | KGZ |
Lao People’s Democratic Republic | LAO |
Latvia | LVA |
Lebanon | LBN |
Lesotho | LSO |
Liberia | LBR |
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | LBY |
Liechtenstein | LIE |
Lithuania | LTU |
Luxembourg | LUX |
Madagascar | MDG |
Malawi | MWI |
Malaysia | MYS |
Maldives | MDV |
Mali | MLI |
Malta | MLT |
Marshall Islands | MHL |
Martinique | MTQ |
Mauritania | MRT |
Mauritius | MUS |
Mayotte | MYT |
Mexico | MEX |
Micronesia, Federated States of | FSM |
Monaco | MCO |
Mongolia | MNG |
Montserrat | MSR |
Morocco | MAR |
Mozambique | MOZ |
Myanmar | MMR |
Namibia | NAM |
Nauru | NRU |
Nepal | NPL |
Netherlands, Kingdom of the | NLD |
Netherlands Antilles | ANT |
Neutral Zone | NTZ |
New Caledonia | NCL |
New Zealand | NZL |
Nicaragua | NIC |
Niger | NER |
Nigeria | NGA |
Niue | NIU |
Norfolk Island | NFK |
Northern Mariana Islands | MNP |
Norway | NOR |
Oman | OMN |
Pakistan | PAK |
Palau | PLW |
Panama | PAN |
Papua New Guinea | PNG |
Paraguay | PRY |
Peru | PER |
Philippines | PHL |
Pitcairn | PCN |
Poland | POL |
Portugal | PRT |
Puerto Rico | PRI |
Qatar | QAT |
Republic of Korea | KOR |
Republic of Moldova | MDA |
Réunion | REU |
Romania | ROM |
Russian Federation | RUS |
Rwanda | RWA |
Saint Helena | SHN |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | KNA |
Saint Lucia | LCA |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | SPM |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | VCT |
Samoa | WSM |
San Marino | SMR |
Sao Tome and Principe | STP |
Saudi Arabia | SAU |
Senegal | SEN |
Seychelles | SYC |
Sierra Leone | SLE |
Singapore | SGP |
Slovakia | SVK |
Slovenia | SVN |
Solomon Islands | SLB |
Somalia | SOM |
South Africa | ZAF |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Island | SGS |
Spain | ESP |
Sri Lanka | LKA |
Sudan | SDN |
Suriname | SUR |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands | SJM |
Swaziland | SWZ |
Sweden | SWE |
Switzerland | CHE |
Syrian Arab Republic | SYR |
Taiwan Province of China | TWN |
Tajikistan | TJK |
Thailand | THA |
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | MKD |
Togo | TGO |
Tokelau | TKL |
Tonga | TON |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO |
Tunisia | TUN |
Turkey | TUR |
Turkmenistan | TKM |
Turks and Caicos Islands | TCA |
Tuvalu | TUV |
Uganda | UGA |
Ukraine | UKR |
United Arab Emirates | ARE |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | |
– Citizen | GBR |
– Dependent territories citizen | GBD |
– National (overseas) | GBN |
– Overseas citizen | GBO |
– Protected Person | GBP |
– Subject | GBS |
United Republic of Tanzania | TZA |
United States of America | USA |
United States of America Minor Outlying Islands | UMI |
Uruguay | URY |
Uzbekistan | UZB |
Vanuatu | VUT |
Venezuela | VEN |
Viet Nam | VNM |
Virgin Islands (Great Britian) | VGB |
Virgin Islands (United States) | VIR |
Wallis and Futuna Islands | WLF |
Western Sahara | ESH |
Yemen | YEM |
Zaire | ZAR |
Zambia | ZMB |
Zimbabwe | ZWE |
United Nations Organization (If indicating nationality, indicates an UN offical) | UNO |
United Nations specialized agency official | UNA |
Stateless (per Article 1 of 1954 convention) | XXA |
Refugee (per Article 1 of 1951 convention, amended by 1967 protocol) | XXB |
Refugee (non-convention) | XXC |
Unspecified / Unknown | XXX |
The passport number, as assigned by the issuing country. Each country is free to assign numbers using any system it likes. If the number has non-letter or number characters they are replaced with the filler character <.
The general format is “LAST<NAME<<FIRST<NAME<ADDITIONAL<NAMES<<<<<“. The name is entirely upper case. Puncuation (like hyphens) are replaced with the filler character < The surname is given first, then the filler character twice (<<), then the remainder of given names. Separate names in the surname or given name are separated with the filler character < The filler character < pads out the field to fill 39 characters.
Suffixes (Jr, Sr, II, III, etc) are encoded as part of the last name, without punctuation.
If the name is too long to fit the most significant parts of the name are used. Names may abbreviated if necessary to make them fit.
In the above example Anna’s surname is Eriksson, her first and middle names are Anna and Maria. Her name is encoded as
George Michael Richards-Stevens Jr. would be encoded as
RICHARDS<STEVENS<JR<<GEORGE<MICHAEL<<<< Buy your photoshop passport template from here: Passport Template Buy your photoshop driver's license template: Driver's License Template Check digits are calculated based on the previous field. Thus, the first check digit is based on the passport number, the next is based on the date of birth, the next on the expiration date, and the next on the personal number. The check digit is calculated using this algorithm. First, break the input into individual characteres and numbers. Next, convert non-digits into numbers. A through Z are encoded to 10 through 25. The filler character < is encoded as 0. < A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Now, multiply each number by the corresponding weighting. The first digit is multipled by 7, the next by 3, and the next by 1. The pattern then repeats (7, 3, 1, 7, 3, 1, 7, 3, 1, etc). Add up the results, then divide by 10. The remainder is the check digit. As a special case, if the personal number on the second line is not used (and thus entirely filled with the filler character <), the check digit for that section can be replaced with the filler character <. An example for the input AB2134: Input: A B 2 1 3 4 < < < Value: 10 11 2 1 3 4 0 0 0 Weight: 7 3 1 7 3 1 7 3 1 Products: 70 33 2 7 9 4 0 0 0 Sum: 70 + 33 + 2 + 7 + 9 + 4 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 125 Division: 125 ÷ 10 = 12, remainder 5 Check Digit Calculations First, break the input into individual characteres and numbers. Next, convert non-digits into numbers. A through Z are encoded to 10 through 25. The filler character < is encoded as 0. < A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Now, multiply each number by the corresponding weighting. The first digit is multipled by 7, the next by 3, and the next by 1. The pattern then repeats (7, 3, 1, 7, 3, 1, 7, 3, 1, etc). Add up the results, then divide by 10. The remainder is the check digit. As a special case, if the personal number on the second line is not used (and thus entirely filled with the filler character <), the check digit for that section can be replaced with the filler character <. An example for the input AB2134: Input: A B 2 1 3 4 < < < Value: 10 11 2 1 3 4 0 0 0 Weight: 7 3 1 7 3 1 7 3 1 Products: 70 33 2 7 9 4 0 0 0 Sum: 70 + 33 + 2 + 7 + 9 + 4 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 125 Division: 125 ÷ 10 = 12, remainder 5 Check Digit Calculations First, break the input into individual characteres and numbers. Next, convert non-digits into numbers. A through Z are encoded to 10 through 25. The filler character < is encoded as 0. < A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Now, multiply each number by the corresponding weighting. The first digit is multipled by 7, the next by 3, and the next by 1. The pattern then repeats (7, 3, 1, 7, 3, 1, 7, 3, 1, etc). Add up the results, then divide by 10. The remainder is the check digit. As a special case, if the personal number on the second line is not used (and thus entirely filled with the filler character <), the check digit for that section can be replaced with the filler character <. An example for the input AB2134: Input: A B 2 1 3 4 < < < Value: 10 11 2 1 3 4 0 0 0 Weight: 7 3 1 7 3 1 7 3 1 Products: 70 33 2 7 9 4 0 0 0 Sum: 70 + 33 + 2 + 7 + 9 + 4 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 125 Division: 125 ÷ 10 = 12, remainder 5 Check Digit Calculations First, break the input into individual characteres and numbers. Next, convert non-digits into numbers. A through Z are encoded to 10 through 25. The filler character < is encoded as 0. < A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Now, multiply each number by the corresponding weighting. The first digit is multipled by 7, the next by 3, and the next by 1. The pattern then repeats (7, 3, 1, 7, 3, 1, 7, 3, 1, etc). Add up the results, then divide by 10. The remainder is the check digit. As a special case, if the personal number on the second line is not used (and thus entirely filled with the filler character <), the check digit for that section can be replaced with the filler character <. An example for the input AB2134: Input: A B 2 1 3 4 < < < Value: 10 11 2 1 3 4 0 0 0 Weight: 7 3 1 7 3 1 7 3 1 Products: 70 33 2 7 9 4 0 0 0 Sum: 70 + 33 + 2 + 7 + 9 + 4 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 125 Division: 125 ÷ 10 = 12, remainder 5 Generate your MRZ code number or your Driver's License number here: MRZ Passport Number Generator Mrz Calculator Driver's License number Generator - Calculator Buy your photoshop passport template from here: Passport Template Buy your photoshop driver's license template: Driver's License Template